Dawson Women's Shelter

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DWS Links and Things #1

All the links you want and need to end violence and oppressions and to support survivors!

The toolkit breaks down allyship into three steps:

Be critical of any motivations.

Start learning.

Act accordingly.

In its period of darkness, the winter solstice is an opportunity to go inward with deep intention, to care for our spiritual selves, our bodies and minds, our loved ones and families, and to prepare for the longer days ahead. 

Estrangement is not a decision that is easily made, and there is almost definitely more to the story than you may be aware of. Whether or not you fully understand why someone is estranged from their family is not important. It is, however, important that you don’t push your own ideas on your friend about what “should” happen with their family.

Poilièvre agreed with those calling for the church to release its files on sexual abusers. He also agrees the church should release the names of those who covered it up. Like others, he said there can be no healing or forgiveness as long as church leaders choose secrecy and exclusion.

The event will display the diversity of food resources and systems of Arctic indigenous peoples, including reindeer and caribou meat, moose meat, fish, birds, berries, and plants.

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