Survivors Speak

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For May, Sexual Violence Prevention Month, DWS will be posting more info about sexual violence, prevention, and consent.

Deciding to tell your story of sexual assault is a complicated decision.

It’s a misconception that in order to heal you M U S T tell every detail of the abuse. The pressure of changing rape culture should not fall onto survivors of sexual violence. Creating a world based on consent is all of our jobs.

If you need someone to share your story with, DWS is here for you 24 hours a day without judgement - 867.993.5086.

When survivors do share, we have a responsibility to listen.

We have collected some powerful survivors


Amelia was sexually assaulted by another student at high school who she found out had sexually assaulted other young women.


Adam was sexually assaulted on a date and faced myths about rape when he tried to get support.


Carol wants survivors to know that they’re not alone and that if they don’t get the support they deserve from friends or helping professionals to keep looking and asking for help. The Learning Network has a series of videos of survivors telling their stories.


Project Unbreakable is a photography project aiming to give a voice to survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. Survivors hold signs with messages that their abusers said to them. 


I Believe You. It’s Not Your Fault. collects survivors’ experiences and questions.

May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month

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