Why We Still Have to Talk About Clothes...
For May, Sexual Violence Prevention Month, DWS will be posting more info about sexual violence, prevention, and consent.
Sorry for yelling… We’re just exhausted with taking on this too common lie about rape…
There is absolutely no evidence that clothes cause sexual assault, in January 2011 a Toronto police officer at a York University safety panel told participants, "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized." His words, and centuries of rape culture, sparked an international movement to end victim blaming: SlutWalk.

Still Don’t Believe Me?
That’s ok. It can take years to unlearn the victim blaming that we’re taught… Here’s some more facts:
Although sexual assault can happen at bars, parties, and concerts, 55% of sexual assaults happen at or near the survivors home. For oppressed folks - women, racialized folks, disabled folks - our homes are the most dangerous places in our lives.
Image created by RAINN
Most survivors are assaulted by someone they know.
Sexual assault is not about sex, sexual attraction, or sexy clothes. Confusing, I know because the word ‘sex’ is in there, but sexual violence is about making someone else feel less than and feeling power over that person.
Image created by SACHA
If you’re struggling with the clothing myth, you’re not alone. 55% of men and 40% of women believe that women are much more likely to harassed if they are wearing ‘revealing’ clothes.
No One Asks to Be Raped
Still believe that clothes cause sexual assault?
Watch this video created by Rape Crisis Scotland:
Frustrated by rape myths? DWS has got your back 24 hours a day - 867.993.5086.
May is Sexual Violence Prevention Month
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