Posts in Understanding Violence
What Does Two Spirit Mean?

“Two-Spirit is a contemporary English term to reflect gender diversity that Indigenous nations have always had. As Indigenous people, we’ve always had gender diversity and sexual diversity in our Nations before colonization existed on Turtle Island (North America). With the imposition of colonization, Christianity, residential schools and ‘the Sixties Scoop,’ a lot of those teachings of gender diversity have been lost and a lot of people are searching for their identity as Two-Spirit people and the roles and responsibilities that come with that.” - James Makokis

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Raise the Bar - Chat with Viki from Gerties

Viki from Diamond Tooth Gerties and Crickett from DWS chat about how bartenders and servers can practice skills to interrupt sexual violence. Guest appearance by Captain Porkchop!

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Yukon Women’s Organizations Call Upon Yukon Party to Address Gender-Based Violence

“We need diverse spaces, places that welcome all voices in politics. So these comments really only serve to tell women and LGBTQ2S+ people that there's no place for them.” - Kluane Adamek, Yukon regional chief of the Assembly of First Nations

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Three things I love about Kinship

Kinship reminds me that I deserve good things and so do my friends, family and community. We deserve to live in a world where we don’t have to seek these relationships, rather they are the fabric of our societies.

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Bystander Intervention

We know that feeling in our stomach when something is wrong, but very rarely are we taught the skills to interrupt behaviour that can lead to sexual assault or partner violence.

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