From First Nations Child & Family Caring Society:
May 10 is Spirit Bear’s birthday and an important date in the history of Jordan’s Principle at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.
Image description: Picture of a stuffed animal polar bear wearing a regalia - a ribbon shirt, beaded pendant, and moccasins - and a party hat, sitting in front of a yellow backdrop with balloons
The Tribunal’s first non-compliance order called for Canada to fully implement Jordan’s Principle by May 10, 2016. Unfortunately, it took several more years and many non-compliance orders (September 2016, May 2017, November 2017) against Canada before real progress was made.
Jordan’s Principle is a child first principle and legal rule named in memory of Jordan River Anderson. It ensures First Nations children receive the services and supports they need, when they need them.
Celebrated annually, Bear Witness Day honours Jordan River Anderson and invites people of all ages to "Bear Witness" to ensure Jordan's Principle is fully implemented!
Step One: Learn
Read or watch Spirit Bear and Children Make History to learn why Jordan’s Principle is important.
Read Spirit Bear's Guide to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and create a plan for how you will take action and respond to the Calls to Action.
Step Two: Spread Awareness
Post photos with your teddy bears or stuffed animal friends on social media, using the hashtags #JordansPrinciple and #BearWitnessDay. Let's get Jordan's Principle trending on social media so that more people can learn about the importance of Jordan's Principle.
Host a Teddy Bear Tea Party and bring your teddy bears or stuffed animal friends to daycare, school, or work.
Step Three: Take Action
Write a letter to your federal elected official to implement the Spirit Bear Plan.
Contact provincial and territorial leaders to make May 10th Spirit Bear Day in every province and territory. Check out how to do this with our Bear Witness Day - Spirit Bear Day Act document.