July is Disability Pride Month
The first Disability Pride event was celebrated in Boston in July 1990 after the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the USA.
The Flag
Image description: “Straight Diagonal” version of the Disability Pride Flag: A muted black flag with a diagonal band from the top left to bottom right corner, made up of five parallel stripes in red, gold, white, blue, and green
Created in June 2019 by disabled activist Ann Magill, the Disability Pride flag represents:
Having All Six "Standard" Flag Colors: signifying that Disability Community is pan-national, spanning borders between states and nations.
The Black Field: Mourning and rage for victims of ableist violence and abuse including mourning disabled lives lost to murder, suicide, neglect, abuse, and eugenics.
The Diagonal Band: "Cutting across" the walls and barriers that separate the disabled from normate society, also light and creativity cutting through the darkness
The White Stripe: Invisible and Undiagnosed Disabilities
The Red Stripe: Physical Disabilities
The Gold Stripe: Neurodivergence
The Blue Stripe: Psychiatric Disabilities
The Green Stripe: Sensory Disabilities
With input from folks with visually triggered disabilities, Ann redesigned the flag in 2022 after feedback that the ways the colours were laid out caused sensory issues when scrolling.