Image description: Colourful poster with similar text as in this post as well as a picture of a naloxone kit.
Bar and restaurant staff and all interested community members are invited to a free training to learn more about harm reduction, fentanyl testing, and naloxone.
Pop by the Pit anytime between 1pm and 4pm on Wednesday, June 5th or Thursday, June 6th to chat with awesome folks from Blood Ties Four Directions, Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Wellness Department, Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services, and Dawson Women’s Shelter.
Drop by to:
• share a delicious meal
• stay for 10 to 15 minutes to get trained on how to use naloxone
• chat with local and Yukon resources as well as other bartenders and servers about what harm reduction can look like in Dawson
Organized by Dawson’s Harm Reduction Working Group. Mähsį cho Pit staff for hosting.

- Posted in Education, Connection, Learning, Services, Taking Action
- Tagged harm reduction, skills, training, workshop, free meal, free food, free, event, naloxone, fentanyl, substance use, community care, awareness, stigma