Healthy Families, Healthy Babies January Programming

Healthy Families, Healthy Babies has got a lot going on in January!

Any questions about HFHB events and programming? Call us - 867.993.5149!

  • Kids On the Go!

    • Tuesday, January 8th - 2:30-4:30pm

    • Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Community Hall - 1242 Front St, Dawson City, YT

    • Gross motor themed event with toys, games, and snacks

  • Crafternoon: Vision Boards

    • Thursday, January 9th - 1-4pm

    • We will make vision boards to help illustrate our personal goals for the 2020 year ahead of us. All supplies provided.

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Drop-In

    • Tuesday, January 14th - 1-4pm

    • Let’s make this a French speaking drop-in so that we can work on our French skills... Tanja’s “bilingual” certificate is 20 years old so keep your expectations low and charades skills high as no English will be allowed! Don’t know French? Well, come anyway! We can work on our Pictionary skills too!

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Perogie Making Workshop

    • Wednesday, January 15th - 1-5pm

    • Community Kitchen workshop in partnership with Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in. We will make as many batches of perogies as we can! Meat and vegetarian options will be available to take home.

    • Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Community Hall - 1242 Front St, Dawson City, YT

  • Pre/Post Natal Yoga

    • Wednesday, January 15th - 5:30- 6:30pm

    • Anezka will be leading us in pre/post natal yoga. Thank you to Lotteries Yukon, City of Dawson, and KVA for funding this!

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Crafternoon: Scarf Loops

    • Thursday, January 16th - 1-4pm

    • We will making scarf loops for easy storage. All supplies provided.

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Luncheon

    • Monday, January 21st - 12-3pm

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Pop’s Parley

    • Wednesday, January 22nd - 5:30-7:30pm

    • A light supper for the gathering dad’s while they discuss and share parenting word’s of wisdom among themselves. SPECIAL GUEST!!! Mike the New Fire Chief will introduce himself and share with you some valuable safety tips and product reviews. For men only!  

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Pre/Post Natal Yoga

    • Friday, January 23rd - 3-4pm

    • Anezka will be leading us in pre/post natal yoga. Thank you to Lotteries Yukon, City of Dawson, and KVA for funding this!

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Tidal Voices

    • Wednesday, January 29th - 5:30-7:30pm

    • A Red Tent inspired sharing circle for all women in our community. We will meet at HFHB once a month to celebrate, relax, and share our struggles within our bond of sisterhood. A light meal will be served and childcare provided.

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT

  • Pre/Post Natal Yoga

    • Friday, January 30th - 3-4pm

    • Anezka will be leading us in pre/post natal yoga. Thank you to Lotteries Yukon, City of Dawson, and KVA for funding this!

    • HFHB Centre - 551 Church St, Dawson City, YT