Queer ASL
After a year pause Alphabet Soup - a drop-in group about queer and trans topics at the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Youth Centre - happened last night!!!!
We chatted about all the different letters in the alphabet soup (LGBQT2SAI+) and about the differences between gender identity, gender expression, sex assigned at birth, physical attraction, and emotional attraction.
Check out our post from a year ago - Let’s Talk About Gender and Unicorns - for lots of resources and info.
Queer ASL
Lots of Alphabet Soup participants were interested in the American Sign Language (ASL) signs for the LGBQT2SAI+.
Before we jump into learning some signs it’s important to remember that ASL is a full vibrant language with grammar and syntax and also to consider this quote from Dr. Bill Vicars:
“Learning to sign without interacting with Deaf people, is like learning to swim without water.”
Are you an America’s Next Top Model fan? In this video, season 22 ANTM winner, Nyle DiMarco sits with bud Chella Man to teach us some Queer ASL:
Queer Deaf interpreter, Rogan Shannon, created a video with lots more terms as well as some regionalisms (BC and Toronto) AND some LSF (langue des signes française).
Get Learning!
Want to dive deeper into ASL learning?
Queer ASL from Vancouver has classes from level 1 to 4 that are priced on a sliding scale and available over zoom. The ASL school is also entire taught and created by Queer Deaf and hard of hearing folks.
Yukon University has a six and twelve-week online ASL classes.
More Alphabet PLS!
There’s lots more Alphabet Soup groups this spring!
Monday, April 12th
Monday, May 10th
Monday, June 14th
Alphabet Soup happens the second Monday of every month!
Alphabet Soup is a chance for youth to drop by, chat about queer topics, learn together, ask questions, and create connections.
It’s normal to be nervous to come to a group. Know that kindness, empathy, and safety are a priority.
If you have questions about the group, you can contact the facilitators Kiki Barua (they/them) – Kiran.Barua@gov.yk.ca or 867.993.4300 – and Crickett Wilder (she/her) – shelterevents@northwestel.net or 867.993.5086.
Alphabet Soup is presented by Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Youth Centre, Mental Wellness and Substance Use, and Dawson Women's Shelter.
For March and April, Alphabet Soup will be happening in the boardroom of True North Company. Head to the back of the building to get to the boardroom. Keep eyes peeled for location of the May and June Alphabet Soup groups!