Clothes Don't Cause Sexual Assault!
For May, Sexual Violence Prevention Month, DWS will be posting more info about sexual violence, prevention, and consent.
Bar and restaurant staff! Learn skills to prevent sexual violence in this FREE & not boring workshop DWS is facilitating on May 24 & 31. More info and sign up here.
Image Description: Text ‘Clothes don’t cause sexual assault!’ on a background of pink northern lights and illustrations of many people.
Sorry for yelling… This rape myth is just too exhausting…
There is absolutely no evidence that clothes cause sexual assault
In January 2011 a Toronto police officer at a York University safety panel told participants, "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."
His words, and centuries of rape culture, sparked an international movement to end victim blaming: SlutWalk.

Still Don’t Believe it?
Myths about danger are often taught as rape prevention strategies when our homes are the most dangerous places.
Although sexual assault can happen at bars, parties, and concerts, 55% of sexual assaults happen at or near the survivors home. For oppressed folks - women, racialized folks, disabled folks - our homes are the most dangerous places in our lives.
Image created by RAINN
Image description: Infographic with text ‘Breakdown of locations where sexual assault occurs. 55% at or near the victim’s home, 15% in an open public place, 12% at or near a relative’s home, 10% in an enclosed but public area such as a parking lot or garage, 8% on school property. National Sexual Assault Hotline 800.656.HOPE Please visit for full citation.
Most survivors are assaulted by someone they know.
Sexual assault is not about sex, sexual attraction, or sexy clothes. Confusing, I know, because the word ‘sex’ is in there, but sexual violence is about making someone else feel less than and feeling power over that person.
Image created by SACHA
Image description: Infographic of a pie chat with the title ‘Causes of Sexual Assault’. The pie chart is one circle with 100% pointing to ‘sexual assault perpetrator’ and no pieces of the pie pointing to other options: ‘sexy clothes, flirting, alcohol, going to a bar, walking home alone’. Text at bottom of image ‘SACHA’s 24 Hour Support Line is there for survivors o sexual violence, their supporters, and folks with questions. You are not alone. 24 Hour Support Line 905.525.4162’
If you’re struggling with the clothing myth, you’re not alone. 55% of men and 40% of women believe that women are much more likely to harassed if they are wearing ‘revealing’ clothes.
Thinking that clothing causes sexual assault is not only harmful and blaming to survivors of sexual assaulted.
Blaming victims also keeps us from understanding why the violence happens and from effectively solving the problem.
No One Asks to Be Raped
Still believe that clothes cause sexual assault?
No one every looks in their closet and says:
"I really want to be sexually assaulted today. What could I wear to encourage someone to not listen to all the ways I'm saying 'no'?"
Rape Crisis Scotland made a video explaining how folks don’t dress to get raped:
What you can do:
unlearn myths & lies rape culture teaches
interrupt when folks are repeating rape myths and sexist jokes
learn how to interrupt sexual violence before it happens
follow & listen to survivors and advocates on social media
be ready to help a friend if they've been sexually assaulted
learn ways to practice consent in small and big ways everyday
Frustrated by rape myths? DWS has got your back 24 hours a day - 867.993.5086.
Sexaul Assault SUPPORTS
Women’s Shelters:
24 Hour Crisis Line - 867.668.5733
Dawson City
Dawson Women’s Shelter
24 Hour Support Line - 867.993.5086
Watson Lake
24 Hour Crisis Line - 867.536.7233
SART - Sexualized Assault Response Team
24 hour Yukon-based support for someone who has been sexually assaulted or their supporters. 1-844-967-7275
Victim Services provides help for victims dealing with a range of different crimes. It does not matter whether the victim has reported the crime, a charge has been laid or if there has been a conviction. We provide services to all people affected by a crime.
Whitehorse - 867-667-8500
Dawson City - 867-993-5831
CMHA Reach Out Support Line operates from 10am to 2am seven days a week with trained volunteers who will listen, support and help callers find options. 1-844-533-3030
Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services provides a variety of services, including individual counselling, outreach services, and community support. 1-866-456-3838
Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Support Centre
Wellness is an important part of our spirit. The TH Wellness team uses a traditional approach to help our citizens. 867.993.7100 x164.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Toll-free: 1 866-863-0511
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Support Line a national, toll-free 24/7 crisis call line providing support for anyone who requires emotional assistance related to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. 1-844-413-6649
National Indian Residential School Crisis Line provides 24-hour crisis support to former Indian Residential School students and their families toll-free at 1-866-925-4419.
Hope for Wellness Help Line is available to all Indigenous peoples across Canada who need immediate crisis intervention. Experienced and culturally sensitive help line counsellors can help if you want to talk or are distressed. 1-855-242-3310
TransLifeline’s Hotline is a peer support service run by trans people, for trans and questioning callers. Our operators are located all over the U.S. and Canada, and are all trans-identified. We will do our best to support you and provide you resources. 1-877-330-6366.
Crisis Services Canada is available to all Canadians seeking support. If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call the Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 1-833-456-4566 (24/7) or text 45645 (7PM - 3AM PST).
Kids Help Phone is available 24 hours a day to Canadians aged 5 to 29 who want confidential and anonymous care from professional counsellors. Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868